How can you get high on life for real? Positivity! Compassion! Joy! A life of celebration and gratitude. Srsly. It's worth giving up negativity.
My Ten Commitments for Happiness (I am not issuing commandments)
1. Be non-judgmental of yourself and others
2. Give others the benefit of the doubt
3. Be flexible, not perfectionist
4. Give up (the need for) control
5. Do good deeds.
6. Seek out and bask in positive perspectives. Use them to blast away negativity!
7. Stop and smell the roses, or to take landscape photos from the side of the road.
8. Indulge in what fills your soul.
9. Stand up for yourself
10. Take action to solve problems
You can achieve the 10 commitments by banishing these harmful, self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors:
1. Negative self-talk
2. The need to impress others
3. Dwelling on the past
4. Worrying about the future
5. Complaining
6. The need to be right
7. Resistance to change - limiting beliefs
8. The need for approval from others
9. Blaming others
10. Criticizing others
What are your thoughts and ideas on this subject?